Ya Yaa songs and lyrics
Top Ten Lyrics
Friendae Podhum Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
oothaamal orunaalum irukavendaam
oru figarum paakaamal vaazhavendaam
maalaiyilae sarakadika marakkavendaam
mathathellam velipadiya pesavendaam
yethuvum vendam friendae podhum podhum oho
iravil kuda rainbow thondrum thondrum
yethuvum vendam friendae podhum podhum oho
iravil kuda rainbow thondrum thondrum
ya yaa naanga style-ah suthum youth-uda
ya yaa aana friendship enga veeduda
ya yaa life-eh 20 20 match-uda
ya yaa inge ella ball-um six-uda
yethuvum vendam friendae podhum podhum oho
iravil kuda rainbow thondrum thondrum
L board aaga love-uh pana..helping partner avanthaanae
empty aaga veliya ponaa..atm-um avanthaanae
maadha pidha vathi ennum order ellam maathi
friendship thaanae osthi yena ennavaipan machi..
nanban serntha neram paaru life-la potom 5th gear-u
ya yaa naanga style-ah suthum youth-uda
ya yaa aana friendship enga veeduda
ya yaa life-eh 20 20 match-uda
ya yaa inge ella ball-um six-uda
thaka thimi tha thaka joy joy tha
ginga tagada ginga tagada tha
etho para no ball ah..ha ha ha
abcd eravatharu iruntha enna we don't care
friend-il ulla aare pothum mathatha pathi we don't care
uvrava pathi we don't care..oora pathi we don't care
unmai friendship backup irunthal ullagai velvom we don't care
nanban serntha neram paaru life-la potom 5th gear-u
ya yaa naanga style-ah suthum youth-uda
ya yaa aana friendship enga veeduda
ya yaa life-eh 20 20 match-uda
ya yaa inge ella ball-um six-uda
yethuvum vendam friendae podhum podhum oho
iravil kuda rainbow thondrum thondrum
yethuvum vendam friendae podhum podhum oho
iravil kuda rainbow thondrum thondrum
ya yaa naanga style-ah suthum youth-uda
ya yaa aana friendship enga veeduda
ya yaa life-eh 20 20 match-uda
ya yaa inge ella ball-um six-uda
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