Sollathan Ninaikiren songs and lyrics
Top Ten Lyrics
Marriage Marriage Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
marriage marriage marriage
take it easy
why people are so crazy
kalyaaNam kachcheri
koNdaattam ellaame
kalyaaNam kachcheri
koNdaattam ellaame
vedikkai namakku
athil verenna irukku
take it easy
teenage teenage teenage
dont be silly
sing about each night please
kalyaaNam kachcheri
koNdaattam ellaame
vazhi vazhi vanthirukku
athil vaazhum paNpirukku
don't be crazy
take it easy
kovil kaaLai pOle pirinthaal
kalyaaNam puriyaathu
athu kaaval thaaNdi meyum ange
kaal kattu kidiyaathu
kalyaaNam kachcheri
koNdaattam ellaame
vazhi vazhi vanthirukku
athil vaazhum paNpirukku
don't be crazy
naaLthOrum naam kaaNum
kalyaaNam enbathu
innaaLil theruvOram
theermaanam seivathu
nowadays you know
marriages are made in street corners haha
foolish you dont know
marriages are made in heaven
theivam kondu theerppai kondu
thirumaNam mudigirathu
athan ichchai padiye
swargam thaninai nichchaiyam aagirathu
kalyaaNam kachcheri
koNdaattam ellaame
vazhi vazhi vanthirukku
athil vaazhum paNpirukku
don't be crazy
hey hey hey...
ammaadi kalyaaNam
aaNvarukkOr siraichaalai
peNdaatti piLLaigaL
undaakkum thozhirchchaalai
marriage, dont dare
maalai soodum maNavarai kOlam
mangayin latchchiyame
athai keligaL seiyyum
vaaliba pechchu
engaLukku alaitchchiyame
we don't care
koNdaattam ellaame
kalyaaNam kachcheri
koNdaattam ellaame
vedikkai namakku
athil verenna irukku
take it easy
don't be crazy
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