Top Ten Lyrics
Metti Oli Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
metti oli kaatRodu en nenjai thaalatta
meni oru poovaaga mellisaiyin paavaaga
kodhai malar poompaadham vaavennuthe..
vaazhnaaLellaam unnoduthaan vaazhnthaalae podhum
vaazhvenbathin bhavangaLai naan kaaNa vENdum
naaLum pala nanmai, kaaNum ezhil peNmai
poovai vaitha poo vaasam, kodhai koNda un nesam
thendral sugam thaan veesum, thedaamal thedaadho
veN mullaiyae en kaNmani oorkola neram
un kaaladi padum pothilae poonthendral paadum
paarvai patta kaayam paavai thottu kaayum
eNNam thantha munnottam, endru antha veLLottam
kaNda pinbu koNdaattam kaNdaadum un nenjam
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