Nadodi Thendral songs and lyrics
Top Ten Lyrics
All The Time Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
All the time I think of you
My thoughts are always warm and true
Eveytime when u pass my way
I feel that you are here to stay
You finally say don�t go
Then how you stay far more
For day by day my love will
Grow and grow..and grow
You belong to me oh my loved one
You are in my heart all day long
You belong to me oh my loved one
You are in my heart all day long
Where are where are you I�ll I sing this song
Why cant I see you I�ll i sing this song
Take me now take me now
Kathala en kathala
Kathala en kathala
Ondru senthu paranthu mela paranthu
Paranthu paranthu paranthu paranthu
I want you all the way through
What can I do without you
I want you my love
Kathal patu than padiko padiko
Thalam potu than adiko oye
Kathal patu than padiko padiko
Thalam potu than adiko oye
This will be my song now and always
I will sing this song just for you
This will be my song now and always
I will sing this song just for you
Come and be with me don�t say no to me
Think of me as I always think of you
Come to me come to me
Pakam va en pakam va
Pakam va en pakam va
Ondru senthu paranthu mela paranthu
Paranthu paranthu paranthu paranthu
Flying high in the blue sky
Flying high just you and me
Let us fly with love
Kathal patu than padiko padiko
Thalam potu than adiko oye
Kathal patu than padiko padiko
Thalam potu than adiko oye
You are in my dreams all day all night
In my heart I feel only you
You are in my dreams all day all night
In my heart I feel only you
Loving all the way loving all the way
loving all the way singing everyday
tell me now what is love
kathala en kathala
Kathala kathala
Ondru senthu paranthu mela paranthu
Paranthu paranthu paranthu paranthu
Let us sing just you and me
Sing sing sing..sing this melody
Lover �its meant to be
You are in my dreams all day all night
In my heart I feel only you
You are in my dreams all day all night
In my heart I feel only you
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