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Poo Ulagama Lyrics
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Poo Ulagam - Dildara Tamil Song Lyrics
when the night has come when the night has come, and the land is dark when the night has come when the night has come, and the land is dark and the moon is the only light and the moon is the only light and the moon is the only light we will see so darling darling
poo ulagama ponnin ulagama oh oh oh pushpa logama punnagaiye undhan thaai mozhiyoo oru punnagaiyal pala porkal theerume
poo ulagama ponnin ulagama oh oh oh pushpa logama kanuvagalai vittu vilagungalen anandhame ini inimai kootume
dildara dildara en vaasal pakkam vaaruvaya dildara dildara sila muttham ondre tharuvaya dildara dildara oru kadhal sugume tharuvaya dildara dildara darling, darling stand by me come on and stand stand by me just as long as you stay stand by me darling, darling stand by me come on and stand by me stand by me stand by me just as long as you stay stand by me
when the night has come and the land is dark and moon is the only light when the night has come and the land is dark
darling darling eh kanmani pesum kanmani oh oh..ne en paathiye en nenjli vaa nee palli kolla en kangalile nee suguma thoongava
dildara dildara en vaasal pakkam vaaruvaya dildara dildara sila muttham ondre tharuvaya dildara dildara oru kadhal sugume tharuvaya dildara dildara darling, darling stand by me won't you stand stand by me just as long as you stay stand by me come on come on come on come on and stand by me darling, darling stand by me why dont you stand by me stand by me just as long as you stay stand by me
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