Rojapoo maalaiyile Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

Rojapoo maalaiyile ....oru mullaipoo saergiradhe
Rojapoo maalaiyile ....oru mullaipoo saergiradhe
indha mainaakkaL koottathile oru chinna pura koodudhe
engaL nenjamellam vaazhthudhe
rojapoo maalaiyile ....oru mullaipoo saergiradhe

inbam pongum engaL veetil innoru kolusum satham seidhidume
engaL veetin poojai arayil innoru kaiyum dheebam aetridume
un perai than paeril saerthiduvaaL ini
un moochai than moochil kalandhiduvaaL

rojapoo maalaiyile ....oru mullaipoo saergiradhe

sondham vittu sondham saerndhaal engaL veetinil needhan thaerottam
kaalam ellam vaazhum bhandham aayiram jenmam saerndhe vaazhattum
oru kodi poo thoovi oor vaazhththa annan
oru sottu kanneerilthan vaazhththa

Rojapoo maalaiyile ....oru mullaipoo saergiradhe
indha mainaakkaL koottathile oru chinna pura koodudhe
engaL nenjamellam vaazhthudhe
indha mainaakkaL koottathile oru chinna pura koodudhe
engaL nenjamellam vaazhthudhe

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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