Sempattu poovae Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

M: sempattu poovae veN muththuth thaerae
shree ranga kaaviriyae
pon mottu maanae poondhattuth thaenae
bhoomiyin dhaevadhaiyae
maNNilae oru veNNilaa
kalai vaNNangaL indha peNNilaa
kuLir maegam undhan kaNNilaa
kuyil paadum geedham sollilaa
sempattu poovae veN muththuth thaerae
shree ranga kaaviriyae
pon mottu maanae poondhattuth thaenae
bhoomiyin dhaevadhaiyae

M: kaanji pattuduththi
nadandhidum gangaiyin oorvalamO
kaala brahman avan vazhangiya
peNNinach cheedhanamO
maNNilae andha dhaevan sabai vandhu koodum
pala vaazhththuch cholli unnai paadum
punnagaidhaan ponnagaiyO
kannigai vaa vaa vaa vaa

M: sempattu poovae veN muththuth thaerae
shree ranga kaaviriyae
pon mottu maanae poondhattuth thaenae
bhoomiyin dhaevadhaiyae

F: poovin nenjukkuLLae
pudhu vidha bOdhai thuLLiyadhae
kaadhal paLLiyilae
padiththida aasai solliyadhae
ennavO idhu endRum illaadha mayakkam
imai reNdum ottaamal uRakkam
en vizhiyai un mugamdhaan
vendRadhu vaa vaa vaa vaa

F: sempattu poovum veN muththuth thaerum
shree ranga naadharukkae oh...
pon mottu maanum poondhattuth thaenum
en uyir raamanukkae oh...
maNNilae vandha veNNilaa
indha kaNNanai konjum peN nilaa
kuLir maegam undha kannilaa
kuyil paadum geedham sollilaa

M: aah...sempattu poovae veN muththuth thaerae
shree ranga kaaviriyae
pon mottu maanae poondhattuth thaenae
bhoomiyin dhaevadhaiyae

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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