Teenage Teenage Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

teenage teenage, its the goldan age, teenage teenage
teenage, teenage, its the traning age, teenage, teenage
nodi nodi kaliwa, a, b, c, d, h
dosti gelati madudda, masti mado age
choti choti kuchiyon, enjoy mado age
mummy dyadi maraso, yes no resing age
teenage teenage, its the goldan age, teenage teenage
teenage, teenage, its the traning age, teenage, teenage

teenage teenage, its the goldan age, teenage teenage
teenage, teenage, its the dreaming age, teenage, teenage
kannakanndiyalli, kanasu kano age
dil ki dhadkan me, dhak dhak eero age
stylu changu maduwa, modern modern age
brainu washu maduwa, dashing washing age
teenage teenage, its the goldan age, teenage teenage
teenage, teenage, its the roading age, teenage, teenage

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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