Onde Ondu Saari Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

onde onsari, mansari nagari
nakkagudtudreu kodtidre aaris kodtee kondri
bigmana bidree, anmmana yakree
nakkaga kenna guliyel chandra kantha kondree
aa ratree kaldimele, varuva hagalgelaya
nuradu thaeradaya veythya, alisikuduwa khushiya
onde one kansu, hutbidre mansu
duyalli agotante ago vargu ansu
big mana bidree, anumaam yakree
nakkaga kenne guliyel chandra kantha nantree

nogo avmana, nee salu manu janigene, beku
namgendu kauvtal meujane
hollitana ee ro jivani, nelsivudu sada nennedi
chian mulli noldu
iride sehiya bergu, anthake sari nolago
irade tav nengu
big mana bidree, anumaam yakree
nakkaga kenne guliyel chandra kantha nantree
onde onsari, onsari nagri, nakkagudtudre aaras kodtiv kondree - (2)


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