Aramane songs and lyrics
Top Ten Lyrics
Nagu Nagu Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
nagu nagu - (16)
chuki tare nachwant ome menugu
kene tumb chadra bimb chune songu
motu cand nind kad muthinane nangu - (2)
chintayanu chindi mad ome neenugu
nonderu bendreru charle chapelenu lokvanu nagisilalve
rajkapoor jeevana yen yadaru khushiya hanchyee hogleeleve
patra dhraru bhumile yellaru
addiso sutradevaru
yene bandaru aad yene aadaru
yendigu neenu nageetiru
kene tumb chadra bimb chundee sone gu
modu cand nind kad muthinane nangu
chintayanu chindi mad chand nanugu
mithenu suray nu mulagi hodaru
matay hutee bande bvarvanu
chandada chandrnu kargee hodaru
komi bege tumbi hodvanu
yedu bedena e namaa jivana
mundide nigu wondina
nakka askara nee ralvaiomana arali bal hovura
nagu nagu - (16)
kene tumb chadra bimb chune sone gu
motu cand nind kad muthinane nangu
chintayanu chindi mad ome neenugu
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