Raag Neela - Aaroh (Band) songs and lyrics
- 1. Gharoli song lyrics
- 2. Jeet Lo song lyrics
- 3. Khuda song lyrics
- 4. Dyrah song lyrics
- 5. Tu Hee Tu song lyrics
- 6. Ik Chah song lyrics
- 7. Yaara song lyrics
- 8. Woh Jo Kehday song lyrics
- 9. Meherbaan song lyrics
- 10. Jo Ankhon Mein song lyrics
- 11. Raag Neela (Title) song lyrics
- 12. Jaanay Kyun song lyrics
- 13. Pyaar Ka Jaal song lyrics
Top Ten Lyrics
Woh Jo Kehday Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
Jo woh dekhey mujhey
Meri saans thamney lagey
Woh jo kehday mujhay
Dil o jaan mein de doon usey
Woh jo kehday mujhayAa paas aa mera dil de sada
Naadan hain yeh kuch nahin jaanta
Dekhoon usey per na kuch keh sakun
Apni to hai bus yehi daastan
Jo chaho samjho tum sab mujhey
Chahey karo shikwey gileyJo woh dekhey mujhey
Meri saans thamney lagey
Woh jo kehday mujhay
Dil o jaan mein de doon usey
Woh jo kehday mujhaySunlo zara merey dil ki pukaar
Manzil meri woh hai
Wohi mera pyaar
Dekha usey aur usey kar diya
Sapney mein mein ne
Haal e dil apna bayaan
Jo chaho samjho tum sab mujhey
Chahey karo shikwey gileyJo woh dekhey mujhey
Meri saans thamney lagey
Woh jo kehday mujhay
Dil o jaan mein de doon usey
Woh jo kehday mujhayJo chaho samjho tum sab mujhey
Chahey karo shikwey giley
Jo woh dekhey mujhey
Meri saans thamney lagey
Woh jo kehday mujhay
Dil o jaan mein de doon usey
Woh jo kehday mujhay.
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