Raag Neela - Aaroh (Band) songs and lyrics
- 1. Gharoli song lyrics
- 2. Jeet Lo song lyrics
- 3. Khuda song lyrics
- 4. Dyrah song lyrics
- 5. Tu Hee Tu song lyrics
- 6. Ik Chah song lyrics
- 7. Yaara song lyrics
- 8. Woh Jo Kehday song lyrics
- 9. Meherbaan song lyrics
- 10. Jo Ankhon Mein song lyrics
- 11. Raag Neela (Title) song lyrics
- 12. Jaanay Kyun song lyrics
- 13. Pyaar Ka Jaal song lyrics
Top Ten Lyrics
Ik Chah Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
Ik chah hai tum ko
Ik chah hai hum ko
Ik chah hai tum ko
Ik chah hai hum ko
Yeh faasley kam ho
Yeh aankh na num ho
Ik chah hai tum ko
Ik chah hai hum ko
Kaisey karoon tumse bayaan
Jano ho tum hai sab ayaan
Kaisey karoon tumse bayaan
Jano ho tum hai sab ayaan
Jo raah meri ho
Tum tak pohonchti ho
Yeh aas hai tum ko
Yeh aas hai hum ko
Yeh aas hai tum ko
Yeh aas hai hum ko
Dhadka jo dil tumko suna
Terey liye yeh sapna bunaa
Dhadka jo dil tumko suna
Terey liye yeh sapna bunaa
Dariya kinaara ho
Aur ghar hamaara ho
Ik pyaas hai tum ko
Ik pyaas hai hum ko
Ik pyaas hai tum ko
Ik pyaas hai hum ko
Yeh faasley kam ho
Yeh aankh na num ho
Ik chah hai tum ko
Ik chah hai hum ko
Ik chah hai tum ko
Ik chah hai hum ko
Ik chah hai tum ko
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