Muqaddar songs and lyrics
Top Ten Lyrics
Atom Bomb Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
hree devi na madhuri
Na juhi se kam
Ye ladki hai yaaro
Atom bomb atom bomb
Atom bomb atom bomb
Atom bomb atom bomb
Atom bomb atom bomb
Sanjay datt govinda
Na shahrukh se kam
Are sanjay datt govinda
Na shahrukh se kam
Ye ladka hai yaaro
Atom bomb atom bomb
Atom bomb atom bomb
Atom bomb atom bomb
Atom bomb atom bomb
Iske baal dekho dekho
Iske gaal dekho dekho
Iski chaal dekho dekho
Iska rang dekho dekho
Iska ang dekho dekho
Iska dhang dekho dekho
Iske gaal gulabi
Iske hot naram
Iske gaal gulabi
Iske hot naram
Ye ladki hai yaaro
Atom bomb atom bomb
Atom bomb atom bomb
Atom bomb atom bomb
Atom bomb atom bomb
Ye gulfam hero hero
Iska naam hero hero
Kya hai kaam hero hero
Ye dil fank hero hero
Idhar dekh hero hero
Aankhe sek hero hero
Har ladki ko pagal karde
Isme itna damm
Are har ladki ko pagal karde
Isme itna damm
Ye ladka hai yaaro
Atom bomb atom bomb
Atom bomb atom bomb
Atom bomb atom bomb
Atom bomb atom bomb
Shree devi na madhuri
Na juhi se kam
Ye ladki hai yaaro
Atom bomb atom bomb
Atom bomb atom bomb
Atom bomb atom bomb
Atom bomb atom bomb
Sanjay datt govinda
Na shahrukh se kam
Ye ladka hai yaaro
Atom bomb atom bomb
Atom bomb atom bomb
Atom bomb atom bomb
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