Muqaddar songs and lyrics
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Ke Ke Chemistry Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
Ke ke chemistry
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Dil ke iss tube mein
Pyar ka oxigen dalo
Kya hai jarurar pyar ki
Kya hai jarurar pyar ki
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Dil ke iss tube mein
Pyar ka oxigen dalo
Kya hai jarurar pyar ki
Kya hai jarurar pyar kiFix kisi se date karo
Laboratory mein wait karo
Tumne suna maine kya kaha
Ye hai milan ka formula
Fix kisi se date karo
Laboratory mein wait karo
Tumne suna maine kya kaha
Ye hai milan ka formula
Aao kare hum practical practical
Chal kahi mere saath chal saath chal
Ye kaisa avsar hai
Life ka ye faida bhi hai
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Dil ke iss tube mein
Pyar ka oxigen dalo
Kya hai jarurar pyar ki
Kya hai jarurar pyar kiKe el ke se gulgule
Chahat ke hai silsile
Tu sulfet main naitrogen
Ho jaye na explosion
Ke el ke se gulgule
Chahat ke hai silsile
Tu sulfet main naitrogen
Ho jaye na explosion
Asid hai duniya sari sari
Jalna jaye ulfat pyaari pyaari
Kaisa experiment hai
Ishq to do pal mand hai
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Dil ke iss tube mein
Pyar ka oxigen dalo
Kya hai jarurar pyar ki
Kya hai jarurar pyar ki
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Ke hai chemistry pyar ki
Dil ke iss tube mein
Pyar ka oxigen dalo
Kya hai jarurar pyar ki
Kya hai jarurar pyar ki.
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