Rudaali songs and lyrics
Top Ten Lyrics
Jhoothi Moothi Mitwa Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
Jhuthee muthee mitava aavan bole
Bhaado bole kabhee saavan bole
Jhuthee muthee mitava aavan bole
Bhaado bole kabhee saavan bole
Baadalo pe chalane ko chaahu piya
Baadalo pe chalane ko chaahu piya
Aao meraa jhulana jhulaao piya
Ban ban papiha pihu bole
Jhuthee muthee mitava aavan bole
Bhaado bole kabhee saavan bole
Rog yeh kaisa laaga mohe,
Aarasee uthaau dekhu tohe
Mann chanchal mose chhal naa kare
Baanvaree bole kabhee pagalee bole
Kaaree toree akhiya yaad karu
Aarasee me baar baar kajar bharu
Mann mitava kahe pihu bole
Jhuthee muthee mitava aavan bole
Bhaado bole kabhee saavan bole
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