Rudaali songs and lyrics
Top Ten Lyrics
Dil Hoom Hoom Kare Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
Dheere Se Kuch Bolona Saath Hawa Se Dolona
Chubti Hai Khamoshi Ke Kone
Kano Mein Raas Gholona
Dheere Se Kuch Bolona
Saath Hawa Se Dolona
Chubti Hai Khamoshi Ke Kone
Kano Mein Raas Gholona
Chod Chale Titli Ko
Ghere Chale Mausam Ko
Chuppi Ko De Jhasa
Kahe Sune Baatein Bune
Suril Sannate Sune Aao
Dhup Mein Khidki Kholo Na
Aaj Kisi Holo Na
Mala Jaise Toot Ke Haas Do
Moti Moti Tolona
Dekho Gagan Gane Laga
Phoolon Mein Rang Chane Laga
Sari Zameen Sara Chaman
Jhoomein Jhoomein Ho Ke Magan
Aao Gagri Chalkayein
Armaano Ko Nehlayein
Jeevan Ek Batasha
Chakle Ise Rakhle Ise
Hateli Se Dhakle Ise Aa
Dheere Se Kuch Bolona Saath Hawa Se Dolona
Chubti Hai Khamoshi Ke Kone
Kano Mein Raas Gholona
Sawan Gungune Laga
Sagar Bhi Lehrane Laga
Umad Ghumad Ghanan Ghanan
Bheege Bheege Suna Sa Mann
Beech Bhanwar Mein Naya Ho
Chal Jaise Purvaiya Ho
Kar Le Seer Sapata
Runjhun Runjhun
Lehron Ki Dhun
Sunte Chale Gaate Chale Aa
Dheere Se Kuch Bolona
Saath Hawa Se Dolona
Chubti Hai Khamoshi Ke Kone
Kano Mein Raas Gholona
Haan Dheere Se Kuch Bolona
Saath Hawa Se Dolona
Dheere Se Kuch Bolona
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