The World is Full OfLove Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

The world is full of love oh my friend
Come and shake your hands just roam around
Fly up in the sky and made you hurt
Into the new world of happiness just round yourself
Each and every second.. is so precious
In the parties away get-together we sing and dance

Roaming on a places at anything and everywhere
Whatever sorrow happiness... we share out everything..
Our lives gonna start here.. preparing each other
Whatever does happen.. we are all here

The world is full of love oh my friend
Come and shake your hands just roam around
Fly up in the sky.. i made you hurt
Into the new world of happiness just round yourself

Love is the base of creation
Love is the ways in for sensation
Love is the meaning of liberation
Love is the treasure for generation

Roaming on a places at anything and everywhere
Whatever sorrow happiness... we share out everything
Our lives gonna start here.. preparing each other
Whatever does happen.. we are all here

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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