Mr perfect Lyrics

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hey tiptop dora kadilindo..yevadiki veedu rorakadulendo..

mudurando..gadusando...todigenu musugando..

uppukappurambu nokkalukku nundo...veedi lukku choosi mosapokando.

yedavando badavando..valalopadakando..

comeon come on most cunning...comeon come on mast timinguu

comeon come rightlallo wrong...hey yaayi yeyyo..

comeon come kotalallo king ..comeon come marchetana rangu..

comeon come pakka planning ..hey yaayi yeyyo.

Mr.Perfect...perfect ..hez Mr.Perfect...lens yesi vetuku dorakadu ra ye defect

Mr.Perfect...perfect ..hez Mr.Perfect...lens yesi vetuku dorakadu ra ye defect

veedo peda yedava..e matter naku matram telusu...veedi gurunchi cheppi cheppi

nalikanta kandipoye..kani yevvadu nammadu..paiga erojulloelontallo e lantivallaku..

demand koncham yekkuva..ayina inkosari try chesta..veedi thaata teeta...

Sorry..nenu gud boy la undalanukuntuna..andukane andari mundu kaalachanu.###

hiplipputunna cat walklando...crocodile veedu kaalujaarakando..road ando..

right ee chustundo

medi pandu laanti man veedando..manhole laanti mind vedanado...cheat ando..

gajibiji puzzle ando...

comeon come on hez got a backuptrickz...comeon come on beware with checkz..

heart hijacker nammaodde

comeon come on hez jaadugar...comeon come on he gives u fever

comeon come on hez a coolcracker taakodde....

Mr.Perfect...perfect ..hez Mr.Perfect...lens yesi vetuku dorakadu ra ye defect

Mr.Perfect...perfect ..hez Mr.Perfect...lens yesi vetuku dorakadu ra ye defect

Mr.Perfect Mr.Perfect Mr.Perfect Mr.Perfect...

come on come on vori govindoo...vidu gurivindo...

come on come onsandu dorikindo...dochestdayayyo..

come on come on ariyabo sambo..come on come on regindi pambo..

veedni aapali menako rambhoooo...

Mr.Perfect...perfect ..hez Mr.Perfect...lens yesi vetuku dorakadu ra ye defect

Mr.Perfect...perfect ..hez Mr.Perfect...lens yesi vetuku dorakadu ra ye defect

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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