Maathaave Mathaave Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
Maathave maathave
Manushyaputhrane njangalkku
Nalkiya maathave
Nin paadapeedham thedi varunnoru
Niraparaadhini njaan
Maathave deva maathave
Bhoomiyil sthreekalay janichhavarellam
Paapam cheythavaraano ithramel
Paapam cheythavaraano
Allenkilenthinee paanapaathram
Kaipuvellam nirachhu nee thannu
Nee thannu
Maathave maathave
Manushyaputhrane njangalkku
Nalkiya maathave
Nin paadapeedham thedi varunnoru
Niraparaadhini njaan
Maathave deva maathave
Swargathil njangalkkoririppidam kittan
Agnipareekshakal veno ithramel
Agnipareekshakal veno
Allenkilennumee mulkireedam
Enthinenthe shirssil thannu
Nee thannu
Maathave maathave
Manushyaputhrane njangalkku
Nalkiya maathave
Nin paadapeedham thedi varunnoru
Niraparaadhini njaan
Maathave deva maathave
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നിരപരാധിനി ഞാന് (മാതാവേ മാതാവേ)
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