Umma Tharumo Lyrics
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Singer :
umma tharumo umma tharumo poombaatte
poovu chodichu poonkavilil
umma tharumo poombaatte umma tharumo poombaatte
umma tharaam umma tharaam unnippoove umma tharaam
kunjikkavilil kunkumakkavilil
amma tharaam ponnumma
amma tharaam ponnumma (umma tharumo)
venmukil methayil chandran thaarathe
chumbichurakkum nerathu
praanasakhiye thedithedi
vaanambaadi paadunnu (umma tharumo)
umma tharaam umma tharaam amma tharaam ponnumma
umma tharaam umma tharaam amma tharaam ponnumma
kunjikkavilathumma thannaal ammaykkingottenthu tharum
achan nallorumma tharum (umma tharumo)
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