Aabhijathyam songs and lyrics
Top Ten Lyrics
Thallu Thallu Lyrics
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Thallu thallu thallu thallu pannaasu vandi
Thallu thallu thallu thallee thallipoli vandi
Ee thalli poli vandi
kallinkudamoru driver pallakal veerthoru cleaner
Thalli ketam ketum neram thulli virakkum mottar
Papa magari mama garisa papapa (thallu)
Aalukalunthum neram kaala koottane pole
Cheetum hai cheerum hai thummum hai
Pinne pinne chathathu pole kidakkum roattil (thallu)
Battery ennathu venda venda starting handle venda venda
Nuttum venda bolttum venda petrol polum venda
Papa magari mama garisa papapa (thallu)
Adiyum thallium chendakku panavum kaashum maraarkku
thallum vellum pillerkku panavum stylum driverkku (thallu)
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