Laila songs and lyrics
Top Ten Lyrics
Geeton Se Sargam Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
Geeton se sargam
Geeton se sargam
Kaliyo se shabnam
Dur rahe to dur rahe
Par tum na rahna dur o sanam
Mar jayenge hum apni kasam
Sawan se badli
Sawan se badli phulo se titli
Dur rahe to dur rahe
Par tum na rahna dur o sanam
Mar jayenge hum apni kasam
Sawan se badli phulo se titli
Dur rahe to dur raheMehandi se hatheli
Dur rahe to dur rahe
Bago se chameli
Dur rahe to dur rahe
Ankhoyo se kajra julfo se gajra
Par tum na rahna dur o sanam
Mar jayenge hum apni kasam
Geeton se sargam
Kaliyo se shabnam
Dur rahe to dur raheNadiya se kinara
Dur rahe to dur rahe
Ambar se sitara
Dur rahe to dur rahe
Chanda se chakori patang se dori
Dur rahe to dur rahe
Par tum na rahna dur o sanam
Mar jayenge hum apni kasam
Sawan se badli phulo se titli
Dur rahe to dur raheSeep se moti
Dur rahe to dur rahe
Deep se jyoti
Dur rahe to dur rahe
Kano se bali hotho se lali
Dur rahe to dur rahe
Par tum na rahna dur o sanam
Mar jayenge hum apni kasam
Geeton se sargam
Kaliyo se shabnam
Dur rahe to dur rahe
Par tum na rahna dur o sanam
Mar jayenge hum apni kasam
Sawan se badli phulo se titli
Dur rahe to dur rahe.
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