Chittagong songs and lyrics
Top Ten Lyrics
Bola Na Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
Bola na.. bola na
Ruthuon ko ghar se nikalne toh do
Boye the mausam khilne toh do
Hothon ki munder pe rukhi
Motiyon se baat bol do
feeki feeki si hai zindagi
Chini chini khwaab gol do
Dekho na.. beet jaye
Yeh lamhe yeh ghadiya
Bola na.. bola na
Dhadkan rhum jhum
Sanse rhum jhum
Mann ghungroo sa baaje
Akhiyan payal
Sapne kangna
Tan mein thirkan saaje
Kahaniyon se til ke kehti hawa
Bhitar ke sheeshe kholo do zara
Raag mehkao geet chankao
Misiri si kholona kholona
Bola na.. bola na.
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