Romance songs and lyrics
Top Ten Lyrics
Maang Loongaa Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
Mang lunga mai tujhe taqdir se
Arey ji nahi bharta teri tasvir se
Mang lunga mai tujhe taqdir se
Arey ji nahi bharta teri tasvir se
Mang lungi mai tujhe taqdir se
Ho ji nahi bharta teri taharir se
Yu dhadakata hai kai rato se dil
Bas gaya samjho mere hatho se dil
Kya bhare khat ki mulakato se dil
Kaise bahalau teri bato se dil
Kya kahu mai is dile be pir se
Arey ji nahi bharta teri tasvir se
Mang lungi mai tujhe taqdir se
Ho ji nahi bharta teri taharir se
Har sitam manjur hai vaise mujhe
Naam bhulega tera kaise mujhe
Yaad aati hai teri aise mujhe
Tune itni dhur se jaise mujhe
Bhand rakha hai kisi zanzir se
Ho ji nahi bharta teri tahrir se
Mang lunga mai tujhe taqdir se
Arey ji nahi bharta teri tasvir se
Tere mere sahar ki ye duriya
Hum me shamo sahar ki ye duriya
Hai kyamat kahar ki ye duriya
Aaye aatho pahar ki ye duriya
Ha ji nahi bharta teri tahrir se
Mang lunga mai tujhe taqdir se
Arey ji nahi bharta teri tasvir se
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