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Teri Surat Se Nahi Milati Lyrics
Writer :
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Teri surat se nahi milati kisi ki surat
Teri surat se nahi milati kisi ki surat
Hum jaha me teri taswir liye firte hai
Teri surat se nahi milati kisi ki suratKhub chehra hai tera dono jaha hai pagal
Samne tere hai fika wo hasi tajmahal
Teri julfo ne sanam dil mera bandh liya
Tune aye jane sitam pyar ka jam diya
Julf ki hum jawa janjir liye firte hai
Teri surat se nahi milti kisi ki surat
Hum jaha me teri taswir liye firte hai
Teri surat se nahi milati kisi ki suratYe to dunia hai yaha ek anhi lahk hasi
Jo ada dekhi hai tujhme wo kisi me bhi nahi
Samna tera jab hoga to qyamat bhi hogi
Aankh jab tujhse milegi to mohabbat ki hogi
Pyar ki hum azab rasir liye firte hai
Teri surat se nahi milati kisi ki surat
Hum jaha me teri taswir liye firte hai
Teri surat se nahi milati kisi ki suratChandni rat bhi jalim teri parchayi hai
Or suraj ne tere galo se chamak payi hai
Agar tujhe dekh le kashmir to sarma jaye
Or farista jo agar dekh le lalcha jaye
Hum naye rang ki ek heer liye firte hai
Teri surat se nahi milati kisi ki surat
Hum jaha me teri taswir liye firte hai
Teri surat se nahi milati kisi ki surat.
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