Ghulam-E-Musthafa songs and lyrics
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Dum Dum Danke Pe Chot Padi Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
Dum dum danke pe chot padi
Cham cham chamke ye rat badi
Dum dum danke pe chot padi
Cham cham chamke ye rat badi
Nahi tera bhi dosh mahi mera bhi dosh
Nahi dono ko hosh ye hai joban ka josh
Lag gayi pyar ki hathkadi
Dum dum danke pe chot padi
Cham cham chamke ye rat badiDum dum danke pe chot padi
Cham cham chamke ye rat badi
Nahi tera bhi dosh mahi mera bhi dosh
Nahi dono ko hosh ye hai joban ka josh
Lag gayi pyar ki hathkadi
Dum dum danke pe chot padi
Cham cham chamke ye rat badiBaithe baithe mujhe kuchh hone laga
Nind udne lagi chain khone laga
Baithe baithe mujhe kuchh hone laga
Nind udne lagi chain khone laga
Apni palko me sapne pirone lagi
Jagte jagte mai to sone lagi
Badi aayi badi aayi ye muskil ghadi
Dum dum danke pe chot padi
Cham cham chamke ye rat badi
Nahi tera bhi dosh mahi mera bhi dosh
Nahi dono ko hosh ye hai joban ka josh
Lag gayi pyar ki hathkadi
Dum dum danke pe chot padi
Cham cham chamke ye rat badiKaisa jadu kiya aaj ki sham ne
Dil dhadka diya pyar ke naam ne
Kaisa jadu kiya aaj ki sham ne
Dil dhadka diya pyar ke naam ne
Aanhko se lage hum dil thamne
Kuch ho jaye na sabke samne
Sari dunia sari dunia yaha hai khadi
Dum dum danke pe chot padi
Cham cham chamke ye rat badi
Nahi tera bhi dosh mahi mera bhi dosh
Nahi dono ko hosh ye hai joban ka josh
Lag gayi pyar ki hathkadi
Dum dum danke pe chot padi
Cham cham chamke ye rat badi.
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