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Ali Ali Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
Allah allah allah allah..
Tu dikha de raasta hai ali da vasta
Hausala tu kar ata mushkile mitta allah
Kuch ali ki jaisi taaqat hamko bhi zara de de
Hum to hai sadaai unke koi unse ye
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Tujh pe hai mera geeta
Mere ali da vasila
Maine dil se padha hai kalma
Lai lai il muhammad asad allah
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Jo muj tita rehmam ho allah tera hi bada karam ho
Jo muj tita rehmam ho allah tera hi bada karam ho
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Allah allah allah allah..
Tu dikha de raasta hai ali da vasta
Hausala tu kar ata mushkile mitta allah
Kuch ali ki jaisi taaqat hamko bhi zara de de
Hum to hai sadaai unke koi unse ye
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Tujh pe hai mera geeta
Mere ali da vasila
Maine dil se padha hai kalma
Lai lai il muhammad asad allah
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Jo muj tita rehmam ho allah tera hi bada karam ho
Jo muj tita rehmam ho allah tera hi bada karam ho
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ali ali ali ali ali ali……
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Allahu akbar
Lai lai il
Lai lai il muhammad asad allah
Allahu akbar allahu akbar
Allahu akbar allahu akbar
Allahu akbar allahu akbar
Allahu akbar allahu akbar
Ali ali ali ali ali ali……
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali
Ashq buland teri ali ali….
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