Bhabhi songs and lyrics
Top Ten Lyrics
Chhupa Kar Meri Ankhon Ko Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
Chhupkar meree aankho ko
Woh puchhe kaun hain jee ham
Mai kaise nam loo unaka
Jo dil me rehate hain hardamNaa jab tak dekh le woh
Dil toh kaise aitbar aaye
Tumhare iss ada par bhee
Humare dil ko pyar aaye
Tumharee yeh shikayat bhee
Mohabbat se nahee hain kamNahee ham yu naa manenge
Toh kaise tum ko samajhaye
Dikha do dil hame apna
Kaha se dil ko ham laye
Ke de rakha woh tumako
Dikha sakate hain kaise hamDiya tha kisliye bolo
Amanat hee tumharee thee
Yeh jab tak pas tha apne
Ajab see bekararee thee
Chalo chhodo gile shikawe
Huwa hain chand bhee madhyam.
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