Yaar Gaddar songs and lyrics
Top Ten Lyrics
Tum Jaoge Jab Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
Aaj abhi is waqt yaha pe
Tujhko mai apnauga
Pyar ka matlab kya hota hai
Tujhko mai samjhauga
Tum jaoge jab jaha
Hume paoge tum waha
Tum jaoge jab jaha
Hume paoge tum wahaMere chhute hi meri jaa
Tera gora badan aise pighlega
Tera dil aise diwana ban ke
Puchho na kese machlega
Mere chhute hi meri jaa
Tera gora badan aise pighlega
Tera dil aise diwana ban ke
Puchho na kase machlegaSari rashme kasme tod ke
Baho me aa jaogi
Kuch kehane sunne se
Pehale tum meri ban jaogi
Tum jaoge jab jaha
Hume paoge tum waha
Tum jaoge jab jaha
Hume paoge tum waha.
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