Victory songs and lyrics
Top Ten Lyrics
Tu Ne Re Tu Ne Haan Tu Ne Re Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
Hum Jaante The Tumko, Pehchaante Nahin TheDil Yun Bhi Dhadakta Hai, Hum Maante Nahin The
Pal Mein Yeh Kya, Kar Diyaa He He He..
Tu Ne Re, Tu Ne Haan Tu Ne Re, Tu Ne Re, Tu Ne Re, Tu Ne Re
Dil Saamne Tha Lekin, Hum Dil Ko Doondte The
Manzil Pe Aa Ke Jaise, Manzil Ko Doondte The
Bechain Hoke Aise, Dil Thaamte Nahin The..
Pal Mein Yeh Kya, Kar Diyaa He He He He..
Tu Ne Re, Tu Ne Haan Tu Ne Re, Tu Ne Re, Tu Ne Re, Tu Ne Re
Tum Bin Aey Jaane Jaana, Tanha Kaise Hum Reh Sakeinge
Janam Tumhari Doori, Ik Pal Na Seh Sakeinge
Iss Dil Mein Itne Saare, Armaan Tho Nahin The
Pal Mein Yeh Kya, Kar Diyaa He He He..
Tu Ne Re, Tu Ne Haan Tu Ne Re, Tu Ne Re, Tu Ne Re, Tu Ne Re
Hum Jaante The Tumko, Pehchaante Nahin The
Dil Yun Bhi Dhadakta Hai, Hum Maante Nahin The
Pal Mein Yeh Kya, Kar Diyaa He He He..
Tu Ne Re, Tu Ne Haan Tu Ne Re, Tu Ne Re, Tu Ne Re, Tu Ne Re....
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