Is Pyar Se Meri Taraf Na Dekho Lyrics
Writer :
Singer :
Is Pyaar se meri taraf na dekho, pyaar hojayega (2)yeh pyaar ho gaya tho teer dil ke paar ho jayega
pyaar hojayega(4)
Do char aise mulakatein hogi
saare zamane mei baatein hongi (2)
baatein hongi
ke naam badnaam tera mera yaar hojayega
pyaar hojayega(2)
Is Pyaar se meri taraf na dekho, pyaar hojayega (2)
yeh pyaar ho gaya tho teer dil ke paar ho jayega
pyaar hojayega(4)
aankhon se apna dil taam lena
aankhon se aankhen milne na dena(2)
milne na dena
ki ankhon hi ankhon mei koi vaar hojayega
pyaar hojayega(2)
Is Pyaar se meri taraf na dekho, pyaar hojayega (2)
yeh pyaar ho gaya tho teer dil ke paar ho jayega
pyaar hojayega(4)
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