Chand Re Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

(chand re o re chand re - (2)
iss chand me hai yeh dag kyun
shabnum me hai ek aag kyun
teri roshani kyun hai mand re) - (2)
chand re o re chand re - (2)

(phul toh hai murjhaya sa
phir kya hai ghar, gulshan hai kya) - (2)
dhul me mila kyun yeh phul hai
ai khuda teri kya yeh bhul hai
itane hai ghum itane sitam, nanhi si hai yeh jan re
chand re o re chand re - (2)

(kaisi mili hai yeh bebasi
sab hoke bhi hai jaise kuchh nahee) - (2)
ruh kaa meri yahi ang hai
ai khuda isse bhi too rang de
jara de khusi jara de hasin
tune hee toh dee hai yeh jan re
chand re o re chand re - (2)
iss chand me hai yeh dag kyun
shabnum me hai ek aag kyun
teri roshani kyun hai mand re
chand re o re chand re - (2)

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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